Summary - Josepha "Josephine" Liska and Jindrich "Henry" Hajek

Note - Some records listed under Hayek in the United States

Josepha Liska was born March 5, 1837 at #185 Kralovice, Kraj Kralovice, Bohemia, daughter of Wenzel "Vaclav" Liska and Alzabetha "Elizabeth" Marek.  Jindrich John Nepomucky Hajek was born May 26, 1834 at #1 Lublin, Lublin, Kraj Kralovice,  Bohemia, the son of Frantiska Hajek of Lublin #1 and Ann Markove.

Josepha and Jindrich were married on May 11, 1857 at Kralovice #185, the family home of Josepha Liska.

Josepha and Jindrich lived in Kralovice for 10 years.  At Kralovice #138, several children were born to this family: Karel in 1859, Maria in 1861 (she apparently died the same day), Maria in 1863, and Jindrich in 1866.

In 1867 Jindrich left for the United States and reached Chicago.  An immigration listing suggests this.

In 1868, Josepha, her children, and her mother in law Anna, left for the United States.  They traveled with Josepha's mother, Elizabeth, and her two brothers John and Anton, arriving in New York on May 11, 1868 aboard the ship Deutschland.

Another child, Edward, was born to Josepha and Jindrich in Chicago.

By 1872, Josepha Liska Hajek had either died or divorced.  So far I have found no information on this.  But Jindrich, in 1872, married again.  Jindrich married Anna Peranthka.  Peranthka is only used once, for the marriage record.  All children born to the couple list Esentier - Ezenther - Esenther as the mother.  The death of one child, Robert, also lists Esenther.

Jindrich and Anna would have several children: Cecilia born in 1874; Otto born in 1876; Robert born in 1878; and Beatrice born in 1885.